There is much more involved in a successful degree than excellent teaching. As an innovative service provider, Studierendenwerk Heidelberg offers the ideal conditions to help you succeed in whatever you are studying. Around 500 employees at Studierendenwerk Heidelberg tailor all their services to the needs of students.
The canteens and cafés don't only provide a contemporary selection of food, they're also a favourite place for students from around the world to meet up. Around 5,000 students live in about 70 halls of residence. Studierendenwerk Heidelberg provides daycare facilities for just under 260 children aged between two months and six years. In the Student Finance department, students can receive advice from experts about BAföG and other financial sources. The psychosocial counselling for students (PCS), social advice and legal advice are important go-to services for all students who find themselves in a difficult situation. The ServiceCenter Altstadt next to Triplex canteen and the ServiceCenter INF in the central canteen provide students with important information and useful tips for everything related to everyday student life. With its varied services, the ServiceCenter are the first point of call for international students, and cultural events run by the student union have become the cornerstone of the cultural scene for students in Heidelberg.
In Germany there are 57 student unions which belong to a governing body, the Deutsches Studierendenwerk.