Legal Advice

Even in student life there can be legal disputes, be it with your landlord or because of a traffic accident. If you don't have enough money to pay for a lawyer, our legal advice service is the best place for you to turn to, and above all, it's free of charge. Studierendenwerk Heidelberg offers students at its affiliated universities legal advice on legal matters within the scope of Studierendenwerk Heidelberg's duties and responsibilities.

All students of our affiliated universities are in good hands with their questions at our legal advice service. Please remember to bring a valid student ID to the counselling session and come in person, as information is not provided by telephone or in writing.

What you get from the legal advice service is sound information on legal issues relating to student life. What is beyond the scope of legal advice is litigation and the drafting of pleadings. You need a legal advisor for that; but for an initial assessment of the situation and to plan the next steps, the legal advice is just right.

Please be aware that the legal advice is a service usually provided in the German language. However, English is also possible to a certain extent. To make sure you get the help you need, we advise you to bring a trustworthy German-speaking friend with you in order to interpret anything which is not clear.

Legal Advice at District Court Heidelberg

The Heidelberg Lawyers' Association offers free legal advice from established lawyers at the Heidelberg District Court from 1.00 pm to 3.00 pm. Please note that the dates may change at short notice! You can find more information and exact dates here.


Zwei Personen die sich beraten

Deutsches Studierendenwerk

District Court Heidelberg

Kurfürstenanlage 15
room 1210 and 1211
69115 Heidelberg

Advice & Legal Aid

To enable people with little money to seek help from lawyers and courts, there is the possibility of counselling and legal aid. Counselling assistance is available for out-of-court counselling and assistance from lawyers, while legal aid can be obtained if a legal dispute is unavoidable.


How to contact us

Deutsches Studierendenwerk

Legal Advice at Studierendenwerk Heidelberg

ServiceCenter Altstadt
Grabengasse 12
69117 Heidelberg

Tuesday 14.30 - 16.00

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