Our pedagogical approach
Even though nurseries and daycare centers follow different pedagogical concepts - the former emphasize nurturing and emotional care, sensory experiences, and the formation of social behavior outside the home; the latter involve more didactic exercises - the children's personality development, combined with the learning of social behaviors, and preparation for school enrollment are paramount. Self-awareness, taking responsibility, independence, decision-making skills, tolerance and confidence in dealing with people: These are the goals of responsible preschool education. After all, the ability to show consideration and to learn with pleasure are among the key qualifications for a successful school career.

Im Neuenheimer Feld 685, 69120 Heidelberg
Nursery INF 685
Child care places
80 places in eight groups

Humboldtstraße 17, 69120 Heidelberg
Daycare Humboldtstraße 17
Child care places
100 places in seven groups

Im Neuenheimer Feld 159, 69120 Heidelberg
Daycare INF 159
Child care places
60 places in three groups

Humboldtstraße 19, 69120 Heidelberg
Nursery Humboldtstraße 19
Child care places
20 places in two groups
Marion Meurer
Daycare Administration, Payments and Fee Reminders
Tel: 06221 54-3498
Fax: 06221 54-3580
Mo - Fr: 9.30 - 12.00
For a personal consultation, please make an appointment in advance.
E-Mail: kitav@stw.uni-heidelberg.de
For Anne-Frank-Kita in Heilbronn:
Birgit Englert
Family-oriented University
Heilbronn University of Applied Sciences
Bildungscampus Nord
Bauteil S/ Nr. 17
74081 Heilbronn
Tel.: +49 (0)7131 - 504 207
E-Mail: kitav@stw.uni-heidelberg.de

Advice & Services
Saving money

Advice & Service
Social Counselling

Student Finance