Find a job
How to contact us
You will find the contact details of the job provider in the job offer.
Mo-Thu 9.00 - 17.00
Fr 9.00 - 15.00
Tel.: 06221 54-5400
This job exchange is a collection of contact details of companies, organisations or private individuals who have part-time jobs for students, created by the Studierendenwerk Heidelberg as part of its mission "Service for Students".
Studierendenwerk Heidelberg takes no responsibility for the content of the offers provided, or any other obligations that might originate from the offer's content. Furthermore, there is no provided examination of the content's legitimacy. We are publishing on our website the job offers for students including the contact information of the job providers.
Looking for a job - Closed: 23.12.24 - 03.01.25