Social Counselling
Our social counselling service is there for you when things go haywire and you don't know what to do. No money for your studies? Trouble with the authorities and no idea where to turn? Then the social counselling service is the place to go. They have helpful tips for you, can put you in touch with other institutions and authorities, and know who else might be a helpful contact for you. So before you think about dropping out of your studies and make a rash decision, get some advice. The social counselling service knows ways and solutions to guide you through difficult situations.
Whether you are uncertain about your residence permit, have an unplanned pregnancy or face the challenges of studying with a chronic illness or disability, the social counselling service is there for you and will show you what support is available. Your situation is individual and not standard - and that's why the social counselling service looks for customised solutions for you.

Annette Heil
Social Counselling
Marstallhof 1
69117 Heidelberg
Tel.: 06221 54-3758
Make an appointment via email!

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